Let Us Take Care of Your Microscope Needs
We offer far more than microscope repair services. We have factory authorized training and our combined experience in the world of Microscopy spans over 50 years.

Service Agreements
Extend the life of your microscopes and reduce your service costs by getting an annual preventative maintenance service agreement.
Relocation Services
We offer comprehensive equipment packing and relocation assistance. We can uninstall, pack, move, ship, reinstall, and calibrate the systems.
Microscope Accessories
We represent multiple manufacturers in the microscopy industry and are able to provide sales, resources, and additional support.
Depending on the complexity, we are able to offer custom solutions or specialized research applications and techniques including Training and Consulting.
Advantages of Choosing MicroTech Solutions
We are committed to helping you increase the lifetime of your capital equipment.
Knowledge and Experience
Our technicians are factory trained and have decades of experience servicing and repairing many different brands of microscopes. We also offer some training on how to operate microscopy equipment and best practices for you to follow to best utilize your equipment.
Effective and Efficient Assistance
MicroTech Solutions offers fast response times and support. If you are having any type of microscope related problem, you can call in and we can often offer over the phone problem solving and evaluation. If you have an emergency situation we can usually get to your site within 1-3 days.
Let Us Lead The Way
We pride ourselves in helping our customers achieve their microscopy goals whether it be modifying an existing microscope or advising on new parts or accessories to achieve their application goals.
Dedicated to Quality
Our technicians John Taylor and Carey Camacho are well known in the San Francisco Bay Area Biotech community for offering detailed and high-quality microscope service and repair. We work closely with several high profile research companies and laboratories and can happily provide professional references.
Professional Services
We offer experienced, professional service to repair and maintain your optical equipment – from student microscopes to highly advanced microscopy systems. Do you need help with repairing a system that has been out of use for years? Or have you encountered a problem with a scope that you use almost every day? What about annual preventative maintenance? We offer all of these services.
Comprehensive Processes
We are entirely focused on solving the problems that our clients are encountering with their systems. We respond quickly to the needs of each customer and because of our extensive experience with microscopes, we can offer support over the phone. If we have not fixed the issue after a service appointment, we will come back within 30 days to repair the issue for no extra cost.
Amazing Results
Where do we deliver the most? In our client’s results. We’ve worked with companies from single-person startups to Fortune 500 executives and everything in between. We offer experienced professional service to repair and maintain your optical equipment – from simple student microscopes to highly advanced microscopy systems.